Crow vs Plastic

Crow vs. Plastic and Styrofoam. Exhibited at Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA), South Korea

Crows are common residents of our urban settings. They are considered to be amongst the most intelligent birds with the ability to distinguish between humans by recognizing facial features. They are also good environmental citizens who find, transport, and store seeds, thus contributing to forest renewal. Their habit of eating carrion also makes them part of nature’s cleanup crew. Human trash, however, such as plastic, confuses them massively. During the past 20 years, much attention has been paid to the impact of plastic and other debris on marine organisms, but the effect of plastic on terrestrial organisms has gained less interest.

Studies show that mass quantities of anthropogenic material end in crow nests across the world, mainly in intensively human-modified landscapes. In all environments, particularly in urban, agricultural, and marine areas, the disposal of material like string, packing and hay bale twine, balloon ribbon, wire, and fishing line, are causing serious hazards including entangling young nestling birds.

The film reflects on a real life situation, showing how a crow in his search for food is confronted with non-eatable material like styrofoam, which the crow decides to eat part of regardless.

Filmed during pandemic times May 2020, Malmö Sweden.

Film synopsis
Crow vs. Plastic and Styrofoam
Film by: Khaled Ramadan
Duration: 2.35min
Format: 4K, MOV 16.9
Released: 2021
Sound: Natural ambient